Now, for the first time in the world application that helps in advertising for your products and services across different famous chat software
Offers TSoft software company the first application of its kind to add and save Rangers figures inside your mobile phone in the form of sequential groups for the purpose of exploiting these numbers within the groups after that to correspondent and advertising for all your products and services through various chat programs such as program and calculating (WhatsApp) and (Soma) and (Viber) and (Tango) and (Telegram) and (ICQ) and (WeChat) and so on...
Application features: -
1. possibility of importing a file that contains any number of mobile phones numbers no matter what that number.
2. The ability to save these numbers are mechanical and very quickly.
3. The ability to save these numbers in groups so that they can determine the name of these groups and to identify the number of digits each group.
4. The ability to add these numbers within each group to different chat software for propaganda in sequential and easy form.
5. The ability to save a certain number of numbers within the file that was specified.
6. the possibility of filtering these numbers after saved on the mobile so that they can extract the numbers and calculating alone and numbers Viper alone and numbers Soma alone and numbers Tango alone, and so also is the author of Picture Description program with the possibility of keeping these figures filtered and exported to an external file or inside the mobile used then as what you want.
7. the ability to view and search for contacts stored in your mobile phone and exported to an external file or transfer them to another mobile.
8. possibility to delete all contacts stored on your phone once and for all and security with the possibility of specific figures.
To take advantage of all the previous features must license application to the full version ment and it is from within the application
You can email us and communicate with us from within the application where all available ways to communicate with us</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>